Alzheimer's Disease-Symptoms and Causes

Rehmat Ali Sayany

Published Date: 2021-11-30

Rehmat Ali Sayany*

Department of Chemistry, Foundation for Advancement of Science and Technology, Pakistan

*Corresponding Author:
Rehmat Ali Sayany Department of Chemistry, Foundation for Advancement of Science and Technology, Pakistan, Email:

Received Date: November 09, 2021; Accepted Date: November 23, 2021; Published Date: November 30, 2021

Citation: Sayany RA (2021) Alzheimer's Disease- Symptoms and Causes. J Org Inorg Chem Vol.7 No.6:e153.

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Alzheimer's illness is a neurological problem that makes the cerebrum psychologist and synapses to bite the dust. Dementia is also caused due to this. Dementia is a continuous decline in thinking, behavioral and social skills which effects the overall behavioral changes of an individual. This is mostly seen in people above 60years. Most of the people with dementia also face the problem of Alzheimer’s disease. In the early stage, people forget the recent events like the conversations recently happened. If the stage is advanced then people also face severe memory issues and also face problem in carrying out day to day activities.

Medications can temporarily improve the situation of the patient but cannot be a permanent solution. As this cannot be treated or cured, medication can help to a particular point in treating the patient. There are several programs conducted to help people with this disease. If the disease is in a severe stage and has complications like loss of brain function- such as dehydration, brain infection may result in death.

The major symptom of Alzheimer’s disease is Memory loss. In the early stage the patient may find it difficult to remember the events and as the stage worsens, it becomes difficult to remember anything and recognize anyone. They forget the names of family members also. They find it difficult to remember the names of objects used daily. They forget the conversations that happen between the people and misplace the objects. They’d find it difficult to think and concentrate on anything. A person with this disease finds it difficult to recognize the numbers as the stage worsen. Decision making goes over their head. If the disease worsen, it gets tough to identify and keep note of the familiar tasks like cooking, playing etc. Also, people with advances Alzheimer’s forget basic tasks such as dressing and bathing. People with Alzheimer’s gradually face problems of depression, mood swings, apathy, distrust in others, changes in sleeping habits, aggressiveness, delusion etc.

People with Alzheimer’s diseases severe stage also do remember preserved skills like singing, drawing, dancing, reading and writing, reading books, listening to music, telling stories and listening to books etc. These skills are preserved longer because they are controlled by parts of the brain affected later in the course of the disease. The exact reasons of Alzheimer’s disease are not really known. But it is said that the brain proteins stop functioning normally which interrupt the work of brain cells. The brain cells are damaged and lose connection and eventually they die. It is also believed that for most people, it is caused due to genetic, lifestyle and environmental factors have adverse effects on brain in long term.

Researching focused mainly on two proteins while trying to understand the causes of Alzheimer’s disease. They are Plaques and Tangles. Plaques are a kind of protein in the brain when cluster together have a toxic effect on neurons and may change the overall functioning to interrupt the communication. While tangles disrupt the transport process and are toxic to the cells. While talking about risk factor, increasing age is one that is greatly noted in Alzheimer’s disease. Others are genetics, air pollution, head trauma, poor sleep patterns, life style, heart problems, excessive consumption of alcohol, lack of exercise, obesity, high blood pressure and smoking.


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