Loay Ahmed Tumeh Al Momani
Professor, Oxford,USA, E-mail: loay_a@rocketmail.com
The Conference recognized the outstanding contribution to experimental research that has increased our understanding of Euro Organic Chemistry. Awards provide an opportunity to the participants like outstanding researchers, exceptional graduates or early academicians and organizations to showcase their best research and projects to the world related to the conference theme. It also recognizes individuals for their contributions to the scientific community related to the conference theme, also provide platform to professional networking with researchers of similar interest from others part of the world.
The purpose of Scientific Service Achievement Award awards is to recognize outstanding research achievements in the area of Euro Organic Chemistry. The applicants should have minimum of 20+ years of experience in the relative field in public or private sector. The applicants are expected to enhance the quality of research should take lead in researching the current trends and developments towards the related subjects. The applicants can be nominated through online.
The Research Contribution Award is for highly experienced professional (10+ years) who has made significant discoveries, made important advances in his or her chosen career path in the area of Euro Organic Chemistry in the public or private sector. Part-time research experience would be counted as pro-rata. It is calculated starting from the date when you obtained the (first) degree entitling you to embark on a doctorate (either in the country in which the degree was obtained or in the country in which the researcher is recruited), even if a doctorate was never started or envisaged. The applicants can be nominated through online.
The goal of this Upcoming Researcher Award is to support developing scientist, researchers and experts (10+ years) with innovative research works of excellence related to the area of Euro Organic Chemistry. It will provide the best platform to expand your network by widely discussing your research advances and their outcome. Presentation includes 25-30 minutes of oral talk on the scientific research topics based on the theme of the conference along with 5 minutes panel discussions. The applicants can be nominated through online.
This Award is to recognize outstanding contributions of Women Scientists in both basic and applied research in the areas of Euro Organic Chemistry with potential for application/product and technology development. Through this conference, a launch pad is provided for Women Scientist for presenting their research advances. As a part of encouragement to women scientist’s participants, awards and assistantship for women scholars in career development and research guidance through our collaborations will be given. We cordially invite women scholars and scientists from Universities/ Industries to who have 10+ years of research experience to join the forum. The applicants can be nominated through online.
This Award is to recognize outstanding contributions of Women Scientists in both basic and applied research in the areas of Euro Organic Chemistry with potential for application/product and technology development. Through this conference, a launch pad is provided for Women Scientist for presenting their research advances. As a part of encouragement to women scientist’s participants, awards and assistantship for women scholars in career development and research guidance through our collaborations will be given. We cordially invite women scholars and scientists from Universities/ Industries to who have 10+ years of research experience to join the forum. The applicants can be nominated through online.
This Award is for speaker who gives interactive key note presentation to inspire and motivate participants. It will be given to the speaker who has made significant contributions advances in their projects, strategies, and schemes and successfully implemented to improve long-term excellence in Euro Organic Chemistry. The deserving applicants can be nominated through.
The Best Poster Awards is given to the student and recent graduates for an outstanding research presented as a poster. All accepted abstracts will be presented at the poster sessions during the conference. It provides a launch pad for sharing the significant research related to Euro Organic Chemistry. It gives a framework to visually summarize your work, to engage others in discussion and opening to entice others to learn more by reading full paper.
This Award is part of the conference to support young researchers, with the intention of supporting young researchers in their quest to advance the frontiers of science across a broad range of Immunology. This Award has been designed to recognise outstanding young scientist and researchers who have made significant contributions in their area of research. The deserving applicants can be nominated through online.