The Total Amount of Carbon Dioxide Emitted by Each Vehicle

Dan Wang *

Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago, South Ellis Avenue, Chicago, USA 

*Corresponding Author:
Dan Wang
Department of Chemistry, University of Chicago, South Ellis Avenue, Chicago, USA 

Received date: October 24, 2022, Manuscript No. IPJOIC-22-14922; Editor assigned date: October 26, 2022, PreQC No. IPJOIC-22-14922(PQ); Reviewed date: November 07, 2022, QC No IPJOIC-22-14922; Revised date: November 17, 2022, Manuscript No. IPJOIC-22-14922 (R); Published date: November 24, 2022, DOI: 10.36648/2472-1123.8.6.34
Citation: Wang D (2022) The Total Amount of Carbon Dioxide Emitted by Each Vehicle. J Org Inorg Chem Vol. 8 No.6:34

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There are a lot of businesses like this. Through energy conservation and carbon emission reduction, businesses participating in the Hubei province carbon market have made a profit of 300 million yuan in the three years following the pilot trading projects' implementation. The automobile industry in China also shows how the carbon quota policy is put into practice. A draft regulation on the management of carbon quotas for new energy vehicles was made available for public comment by the general office of the NDRC in 2016.A fine will be assessed to the automobile manufacturers if the total amount of carbon dioxide produced by each vehicle manufactured exceeds the national standards. Through the carbon emission trading market, businesses can purchase carbon credits from businesses with excess carbon quotas or earn rewards for carbon quotas by producing new energy-efficient vehicles.

Carbon Emissions Reduction

If the government does not implement the carbon quota policy, the manufacturer will make a profit by subtracting the costs of production and emission reduction from the revenue from product sales. The manufacturer's profit is calculated by subtracting sales revenue from the costs of production, emission reduction, and the purchase of additional carbon emission rights when the government implements the carbon quota policy. The primary step toward the Carbon Emissions Trading (CET) market is the allocation of Carbon Emissions Reduction Responsibility (CERR). Carbon emissions shift as a result of the nationwide power grid connecting regions with different energy structures and power generation efficiencies in China's power industry. By proposing a novel characteristic function to describe possible minimal carbon emissions in which power generation is prioritized by efficiency, we construct a graph-restricted cooperative game model for the allocation of CERRs among regions. To capture the power grid's structure and transmission, we use the Myerson value as the game's solution. The following is what our findings show: (1) The "Southwest" and "Sichuan and Chongqing" regions, which produce power and have a high proportion of clean energy, have negative shares of the CERR. They are motivated to contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions as a result of this.2) Because they transfer carbon emissions to the regions that produce power, large power consumers like "East" and "Bohai Rim" should opt for larger CERRs.3) When allocating CERR, a region's role in the power transmission network is an important consideration. The establishment of a CET market in China's power industry is informed by the policy implications presented in this study. Human health and social development have been impacted by the ecological and environmental issues brought on by climate change. As a result, climate change has been the focus of scientists' attention.

Reduction of Carbon Emissions

The impact of global climate governance has been extensively evaluated with the help of IAMs (Integrated Assessment Models). The course of global economic development is uncertain as a result of the United States' withdrawal from the Paris Agreement and the United Kingdom's departure from the European Union. The global trade conflict that the United States started has demonstrated that international trade may decline in the future. Global economic progress necessitates individual innovation within nations through deglobalization. As a result, we developed a brand-new IAM for autonomous economies called EMRICES-E (Expanded Multi-Regional Integrated model of Climate and Economy System-Equilibrium). This model uses a national Computable General Equilibrium (CGE) model with a layered structure to describe a country's progress and examine the effects of global reductions in cooperation in light of the new global situation. We introduced endogenous technical progress in CGE because technical progress is a significant contributor to carbon reduction. According to the simulation results, under the baseline scenario, developing countries and regions have significant carbon emissions while their economic status also rises. Climate change would cause economic recession if countries and regions did not reduce their carbon emissions, and developing countries' industrial structure shifts significantly in comparison to developed countries. Global economic development has shown an uncertain path since the United States withdrew from the Paris Agreement and the United Kingdom withdrew from the European Union. The US-led global trade conflict has demonstrated that national trade may decline in the future and that internal connections will be stronger than those with other nations. In light of the current state of the global economy, a greater emphasis ought to be placed on maintaining a country's equilibrium. The economic relationships between industries within a country are stronger than those between countries in autonomous economies, which may better reflect the situation of reverse globalization. While investments and economic interactions between nations are relatively weak, each nation reaches equilibrium within its own production. Reduced carbon emissions and various contracts to promote environmentally friendly products in the supply chain are unavoidable trends. The objective is to investigate how members' attitudes and sticky information influence co-innovation decisions regarding supply chain carbon emission reduction. A penalty contract designed to address these issues, six suggested strategies based on the combination of three member attitudes toward co-innovation and two styles of strategy.

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